[Image-SIG] Help me test - module for printing to Windows Printers!

kevin at cazabon.com kevin at cazabon.com
Sun Oct 5 02:39:34 EDT 2003

Hi everyone:

I managed to get things working for printing to my non-PostScript Windows
printer and have written a stand-alone module for printing PIL images.  It
works very well with my system here, but I'd like some help testing it with
other printers/OS's.  If you are interested and can do a couple quick tests,
please download the module at:


There's extensive documentation within the file, and it should be pretty
self-explanitory.  It's very simple to use, as simple as:

result, message, settings = WinPILprint.printImage("c:\\temp\\test.tif",
imageResPerInch = 300)

Major features so far (version 0.0):
    - can take a filename or a PIL image for printing
    - full control of image sizing, positioning
    - multiple methods for sizing and positioning, take your pick to what
suits you best!
    - support for mm, inch, device units
    - support for pyCMS ICC color management (yay!) if available on your
    - can find all installed Windows printers, or just use the default one
    - can report printer capabilities
    - automatic sizing, rotation and centering if desired

Future features:
    - a GUI class for user-interactive printer setup and print previewing

Thanks, let me know how things go, what printers and OS versions you test
on, and any problems you have!

Kevin Cazabon.

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