[Image-SIG] ANN: Python Imaging Library 1.1.3 (march 15, 2002)

Fredrik Lundh fredrik@pythonware.com
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 14:57:24 +0100

the secret labs proudly presents PIL 1.1.3:

    The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities
    to your Python interpreter. This library supports many file formats,
    and provides powerful image processing and graphics capabilities.

    Version 1.1.3 adds distutils build scripts, improved resampling,
    screen grabbing support (windows only), and more (see below).

    Get your copy of the source kit here:


the pil team

    "Secret Labs -- makers of fine pythonware since 1997."

-- changes in this version (relative to 1.1.2) --

+ Made setup.py look for old versions of zlib.  For some back-
  ground, see: http://www.gzip.org/zlib/advisory-2002-03-11.txt

+ Added setup.py file (tested on Unix and Windows).  You still
  need to build libImaging/imaging.lib in the traditional way,
  but the setup.py script takes care of the rest.

  The old Setup.in/Makefile.pre.in build method is still

+ Fixed segmentation violation in ANTIALIAS filter (an internal
  buffer wasn't properly allocated).

+ Added ANTIALIAS downsampling filter for high-quality "resize"
  and "thumbnail" operations.  Also added filter option to the
  "thumbnail" operation; the default value is NEAREST, but this
  will most likely change in future versions.

+ Fixed plugin loader to be more robust if the __file__
  variable isn't set.

+ Added seek/tell support (for layers) to the PhotoShop
  loader.  Layer 0 is the main image.

+ Added new (but experimental) "ImageOps" module, which provides
  shortcuts for commonly used operations on entire images.

+ Don't mess up when loading PNG images if the decoder leaves
  data in the output buffer.  This could cause internal errors
  on some PNG images, with some versions of ZLIB. (Bug report
  and patch provided by Bernhard Herzog.)

+ Don't mess up on Unicode filenames.

+ Don't mess up when drawing on big endian platforms.

+ Made the TIFF loader a bit more robust; it can now read some
  more slightly broken TIFF files (based on input from Ted Wright,
  Bob Klimek, and D. Alan Stewart)

+ Added OS/2 EMX build files (from Andrew MacIntyre)

+ Change "ImageFont" to reject image files if they don't have the
  right mode.  Older versions could leak memory for "P" images.
  (Bug reported by Markus Gritsch).
+ Renamed some internal functions to avoid potential build
  problem on Mac OS X.

+ Added DL_EXPORT where relevant (for Cygwin, based on input
  from Robert Yodlowski)

+ (re)moved bogus __init__ call in BdfFontFile (bug spotted
  by Fred Clare)

+ Added "ImageGrab" support (Windows only)

+ Added support for XBM hotspots (based on code contributed by
  Bernhard Herzog).

+ Added support for Palm pixmaps (from Bill Janssen)

+ Added write support for more TIFF tags, namely the Artist,
  Copyright, DateTime, ResolutionUnit, Software, XResolution and
  YResolution tags (from Greg Couch)

+ Added TransposedFont wrapper to ImageFont module

+ Added "optimize" flag to GIF encoder.  If optimize is present
  and non-zero, PIL will work harder to create a small file.

+ Raise "EOFError" (not IndexError) when reading beyond the
  end of a TIFF sequence.

+ Support rewind ("seek(0)") for GIF and TIFF sequences.

+ Load grayscale GIF images as mode "L"

+ Added DPI read/write support to the JPEG codec.  The decoder
  sets the info["dpi"] attribute for JPEG files with JFIF dpi
  settings.  The encoder uses the "dpi" option:

      im =3D Image.open("file.jpg")
      dpi =3D im.info["dpi"] # raises KeyError if DPI not known
      im.save("out.jpg", dpi=3Ddpi)

  Note that PIL doesn't always preserve the "info" attribute
  for normal image operations.

-- end --