[Image-SIG] Scaling image pixels by a variable amount.

Terry Hancock hancock@anansispaceworks.com
Fri, 01 Mar 2002 15:08:45 -0800

Hi all,
This was a major pain to figure out, so I thought I'd
share my experience:

The PIL API doesn't appear to provide a simple means of
scaling the value of image pixels (e.g. I want to multiply
every pixel by some value S -- and I don't know what S
is when I write the program).  This is not necessarily
a bad thing, and it's clear that you're supposed to use
the ".point()" method to do this, though it can be
a little tricky, as I want to demonstrate here.

Naively, you might follow the Image.point examples, just
substituting a variable for the constant scale factor used
in the examples:

def return_scaled_image( S ):
	im = Image.open('example.png')
	im.point( lambda x : x * S )
	return im

But this doesn't work -- lambda defines a function, and
therefore a new name space -- and remember that Python
namespaces do not nest! Thus, we can only use S if it's
global, e.g.:

def return_scaled_image( S ):
	global S_g
	S_g = S
	im.point( lambda x : x * S_g )
	return im
This *does* work, but it has a subtle problem, which I found
out about only after I embedded the generated images into
a Zope-based webpage.  That problem is that this isn't
thread-safe!  I've made S_g global, so it is a state variable
in the module. If different instances of return_scaled_image()
are running in parallel, there will be a race-condition on
S_g and the results will be somewhat random.  I knew I didn't
like it, but now I know why.

I next tried replacing the lambda with a callable class, but
that doesn't work, because the isSequenceType() test inside
PIL (incorrectly?) identifies the class as a sequence (I don't
know if this should be considered a bug, but I don't like it),
and it then tries to use the mapping interpretation, which
fails, of course. I also tried doing the mapping myself, but
this also failed, for reasons I never really discovered. Perhaps
some more specific test is possible?

Just for grins, here's what that implementation looked like
(though remember that this *doesn't* work):

class scale_operator_class:
	def __init__(self):
		self.scaleby = 1.0
	def __call__(self, pixel):
		return pixel * self.scaleby

def return_scaled_image( S ):
	im = Image.open('example.png')
	scale_operator = scale_operator_class()
	scale_operator.scaleby = S
	im.point( scale_operator )
	return im

Finally, I came up with this, which works, and is thread-safe:

class scale_operator_class:
	def __init__(self):
		self.scaleby = 1.0
	def applyscale(self, pixel):
		return pixel * self.scaleby

def return_scaled_image( S ):
	im = Image.open('example.png')
	scale_operator = scale_operator_class()
	scale_operator.scaleby = S
	im.point( scale_operator.applyscale )
	return im

Perhaps this should have been obvious -- but it took me
awhile to figure it out.  Or perhaps it's clever, and so
it's a good idea to share it. But anyway, there you have it.

I didn't put the scaleby attribute in the __init__()
function because I actually wanted to reuse the same
instance several times in the same function (just
change scaleby each time), instead of defining a new
one each time.

If I have overlooked some better way to do this, or am
missing some obvious shortcoming of this approach, I'd be
interested in comments.  Thanks!


Terry Hancock
Anansi Spaceworks                 
P.O. Box 60583                     
Pasadena, CA 91116-6583