[Image-SIG] drawing lines with Imaging-1.1.2

fred fred@scd.ucar.edu
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 12:34:00 -0600 (MDT)

When I run the following five line code:

import Image
import ImageDraw
image = Image.new("RGB",(512,256),(255,0,0))
draw  = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

using Imaging-1.1.2 and Python-2.1 on an SGI running 
IRIX 6.5, I get:

  Bus error (core dumped)

Drawing text seems to work fine.

When I run the above code on a Sun running SunOS 5.7
using Imaging-1.1.1 and Python-2.0 it works fine.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

  - Fred Clare 

Fred Clare     fred@ucar.edu     303-497-1284
Visualization & Enabling Technologies Section
NCAR Scientific Computing Division