FW: [Image-SIG] show() and save() glitches (PIL 1.1, Py 2.0b2)

Randall Hopper aa8vb@yahoo.com
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 08:21:27 -0400

Moodie, Craig CA:
 |            Try this:-
 |for infile in sys.argv[1:]:
 |	outfile=os.path.splitext(infile)[0]+".pcx"
 |	im=Image.open(infile)
 |	#if im.mode != "RGB":        this also works
 |    	#	im = im.convert("RGB")
 |	if im.mode == "P" :
 |		im=im.convert("P")
 |	im.save(outfile,"PCX")

Thanks.  PCX works too as well as GIF.  I think the save() bug must just be
in the paletted TIFF saver.


Randall Hopper