[Image-SIG] JPG and ImageDraw

Juha Ylitalo juha.o.ylitalo@nokia.com
Sun, 1 Oct 2000 21:48:38 +0300

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On Sat, Sep 30, 2000 at 05:34:35PM -0700, EXT kcazabon wrote:
> I think the problem might be with your draw.setink() command.  If you're
> working with RGB images, you should probably use an RGB tuple.
> draw.setink((128, 128, 128))
> I'm not sure, but that might help you out.

It seems that I made wrong assumptions from the error messages that I
received. Real problem was not with DrawImage.ink, but in a way that I
gave coordinates for line. For reason or another my system doesn't
seem to support use of tuples in coordinates (i.e. d.line( (0,0),
(50,50))) like my documentation claims.=20
Thankfully, it accepts list (i.e. d.line([0,0,50,50])), which is also
listed as one way to give those coordinates, and I manage to get
things working.

Juha Ylitalo     juha.o.ylitalo@nokia.com                <work e-mail>
KOM 5/3 312      http://wwwinhel.ntc.nokia.com/~jylitalo <work www>
+358 40 562 6152 http://www.iki.fi/~jylitalo             <public www>
"Some tools are used, because its policy, others because they are good."
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