[Image-SIG] font problems

David Ascher da@skivs.ski.org
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 15:12:53 -0700 (PDT)

I'm confused about PIL fonts again.  I got a BDF font, converted it to
.pil/.pbm files with bdf2pil.py, and I'm trying to use it with:

from Image import *
import ImageFont 
from ImageDraw import *

f = ImageFont.load('test.pil')
x = new("L", (400,400))
d = ImageDraw(x)
d.text((50, 50), 'this is a Test!')

Alas, I get:

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "test.py", line 9, in ?
    d.text((50, 50), 'this is a Test!')
  File "E:\DAVID\py\PIL\ImageDraw.py", line 71, in text
    m = self.font.getmask(text)
  File "E:\DAVID\py\PIL\ImageFont.py", line 87, in getmask
SystemError: NULL result without error in call_object

Any ideas?

Looking at the ImagingCrop code, nothing jumps out.  (although I wouldn't
mind seeing real error messages, not just 'return NULL'. =).
