[Image-SIG] PIL 0.3b2 is now available

Fredrik Lundh fredrik@pythonware.com
Sun, 19 Jul 1998 16:57:40 +0100

The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities
to your Python interpreter.  This library provides extensive file format
support, an efficient internal representation, and fairly powerful
image processing capabilities.

This is the second (and hopefully the last) beta release for PIL 0.3.
The source kit has been built and tested on Windows 95 and NT, as
well as on Linux (Redhat 4.2) and Digital Unix.  It should build out of
the box on most mainstream Unix versions.

Get your copy of the sources from:


Here are the changes from the previous beta:

+ An Image "getbands" method has been added.  It returns a tuple
  containing the individual band names for this image.  To figure
  out how many bands an image has, use "len(im.getbands())".

+ An Image "putpixel" method has been added.

+ The Image "point" method can now be used to convert "L" images
  to any other format, via a lookup table.  That table should
  contain 256 values for each band in the output image.

+ Some file drivers (including FLI/FLC, GIF, and IM) accidently
  overwrote the offset method with an internal attribute.  All
  drivers have been updated to use private attributes where

+ The Image "histogram" method now works for "I" and "F" images.
  For these modes, PIL divides the range between the min and
  max values used in the image into 256 bins.  You can also
  pass in your own min and max values via the "extrema" option:

      h = im.histogram(extrema=(0, 255))

+ An Image "getextrema" method has been added.  It returns the
  min and max values used in the image. In this release, this
  works for single band images only.

+ Changed the PNG driver to load and save mode "I" images as
  16-bit images.  When saving, values outside the range 0..65535
  are clipped.

+ Fixed ImageFont.py to work with the new "pilfont" compiler.

+ Added JPEG "save" and "draft" support for mode "YCbCr" images.
  Note that if you save an "YCbCr" image as a JPEG file and read
  it back, it is read as an RGB file.  To get around this, you
  can use the "draft" method:

      im = Image.open("color.jpg")
      im.draft("YCbCr", im.size)

+ Read "RGBA" TGA images.  Also fixed the orientation bug; all
  images should now come out the right way.

+ Changed mode name (and internal representation) from "YCrCb"
  to "YCbCr" (!)

--the PIL team