[Idle-dev] Big change to IDLE Shell

Mark Roseman mark at markroseman.com
Mon May 24 11:09:40 EDT 2021

On May -20- 2021, at 2:19 PM, Tal Einat <taleinat at gmail.com> wrote:
> In recent years Terry J. Reedy has taken the lead on IDLE. Terry has
> been doing a fantastic job of moving IDLE forward while also fixing
> many bugs and making it more robust. He's also been very responsible
> in deciding which changes to make. Thanks to his stewardship, I think
> now is the best time in the past 15 years or so to attempt to bring
> such improvements into IDLE proper.
> I encourage you to try! Start with something significant, but not
> huge. Perhaps discuss this with us in advance, so that we can decide
> together what we'd like done and on the general approach, to avoid
> working a lot on something that is eventually rejected (I've gone
> through that too many times!).

Thanks for your advice Tal.

Here are a couple of longstanding things (dating from 2015) that I’d love to see move forward:

1. Improve appearance, get rid of modal behaviour in about dialog
	https://bugs.python.org/issue24813 <https://bugs.python.org/issue24813>

2. Improve debugger UI
	https://bugs.python.org/issue17942 <https://bugs.python.org/issue17942>

Both of these have mockups done, patches (now very outdated), and what appears to be some early agreement that the basic ideas at least would be worth pursuing. Both are currently stalled.

Terry (and others), are these things you’d still like to see move forward? What steps would be necessary for these to be completed and integrated?


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