[Idle-dev] Big change to IDLE Shell

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu May 6 19:21:53 EDT 2021

On 4/28/2021 2:52 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:
> 3.10.0b1 is due to be released next Monday.  The big change for IDLE is 
> in the Shell.  The first line of entered statement will line up with 
> continuation lines and indents will be spaces instead of tabs.  The 
> '>>>' prompt will be either above on a line by itself or to the left in 
> a Shell sidebar

The 'above' option is not in .0b1.  We hope to have it in .0b2 in a few 

We included an option to zip together prompts from the sidebar with 
lines from the shell.

Here is an example that includes the errect of another patch about to be 

 >>> try: abx
... except NameError:
...     print(int.reel('fff', 32))
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>
     try: abx
NameError: name 'abx' is not defined. Did you mean: 'abs'?

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<pyshell#3>", line 3, in <module>
     print(int.reel('fff', 32))
AttributeError: type object 'int' has no attribute 'reel'. Did you mean: 

> This release will be missing somethings and may 

We intially added an option to copy to clipboard only code input, 
without prompts, so that the result could be pasted in a file.  We ran 
into a glitch and hope to fix before the next beta.

> otherwise have bugs.  We want to get user testing and feedback 
> (idle-dev at python.org) before the 3.10.0 release and before backporting 
> to 3.9 (maybe in late June).

Still the plan.

> Terry Jan Reedy

Terry Jan Reedy

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