[Idle-dev] how to run a program

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sat Dec 26 14:57:09 EST 2020

On 12/25/2020 2:10 PM, kostas margelos wrote:

> I just installed python 3.9.1(64bit) on my pc and trying to learn how to 
> program. 

idledev list is for developing future versions of IDLE, to be included 
with future releases of CPython.  Beginner questions are better asked on 
python-list, where other beginners are more likely to see the answers.

> However it looks like this isn't the same edition with the same 
> capabilities as a professor's python program.

You have to ask the professor what version the professor uses.

> The main difference is 
> that I cannot find an editor so I can create programs and run them. I 
> mean that there is a file option in the IDLE environment but when I open 
> a new file from there I cannot run it. ie) the function ' print("...")' 
> is followed by a syntax error without having understood why.

Since 'print('...')' works fine, you must have entered something else to 
get SyntaxError.  When asking questions, always copy and paste the 
actual code entered.

> Can you 
> please send me a guidance and tell me whether my version is one capable 
> of running programs in the shell?

Yes.  I run the same.

> (I do not have any licence for the 
> full package of python but I thought it is an open source, can you 
> confirm that?)

Yes, Python is open source.  Depending on how you installed it, you 
should have the full package *and* the  license.  In interactive python 
started from a command line or in IDLE, after >>>, type 'license()'. 
You can stop after the PSF License v.2 part.

Terry Jan Reedy

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