[Idle-dev] Wishlist: Make executables + startup option

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Dec 31 14:26:07 EST 2019

On 12/31/2019 1:45 PM, Tal Einat wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 8:22 PM David <david.lindhe at gmail.com 
> <mailto:david.lindhe at gmail.com>> wrote:

>     2. A startup option to open both Editor and Shell side by side, full
>     extent.

> I personally think it would be unlikely for this to be added, since it 
> appears to be a rather minor convenience, but at the same time depending 
> on the quirks of OS window managers, which tend to change over time and 
> cause lots of maintenance headaches.

This is why I want to do this with two panes in one window, as with 
turtledemo.  Let tk handle alignment on the different systems.

Terry Jan Reedy

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