[Idle-dev] Quick remarks

Marielle Riveros riveros.m at husky.neu.edu
Sat Nov 17 17:07:31 EST 2018

Sorry to bother you, I was able to figure it out. Again, my apologies --
I've been working on a big project and have been somewhat scatterbrained


On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 5:01 PM Marielle Riveros <riveros.m at husky.neu.edu>

> Hello,
> I'm running IDLE 3.6.4 for class, which I know is not the most recent
> version of IDLE, but I was wondering whether in updated versions there was
> a way to either zoom in or increase the font in the modules -- it can
> sometimes be difficult to search for syntax errors if the font is so small.
> Best,
> Marielle
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