[Idle-dev] Python 3.7 Launcher (RESOLUTION)

Don Bégin dbegin at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 15 18:50:21 EDT 2018

 Hi, Matt.  I am using the latest version of Windows 10 (i.e., version 1803 [OS Build 17134.165; 2018-07-10 -- KB4331819]).
(Thanks for your suggestion regarding "installing for all users" -- whenever a software package displays a choice of that type, I always select it, even though I am the Administrator of my [one-user] laptop.)

(a) After doing some research, I realized that the desktop icon I was looking for is actually the Python 3.7.0 Shell, not the "Python Launcher".-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) When I (left-)click the Start button (lower-left corner of the Windows display), I can right-click on the "Python 3.7 (32-bit)" entry in the "Recently Added" section at the top of the Start menu.
(If one instead [left]-clicks that entry, a [Windows] "Command Prompt" opens [see Python - Command Prompt.png] -- is it possible that this is the "Python Launcher" entry that displays in [Windows] "Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features"?)
(c) From there, I can (left-)click "More > Open file location" from the context menu (see the Python - Start Menu.png attachment below).
(d) In the resulting (Windows Explorer) display, there are 4 entries (see the Python - File Locations.png attachment).
(e) I then copied the IDLE (Python 3.7 32-bit) shortcut to "This PC > Desktop" in Windows Explorer (see Python 3.7 Shell.png).***************************************************************************************************************************************************************
(f) "Help > About IDLE" in the Shell shows an e-mail contact (idle-dev at python.org) -- I opted to "CC" them on this message in case their configuration for the (2018-06-27) "package" of version 3.7 was supposed to include the creation of a desktop Shell icon (for Windows users)._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
   On Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 7:43:35 p.m. MDT, Matthew Dixon Cowles <matt at mondoinfo.com> wrote: 
 Dear Don,

> Thanks very much for writing to me -- I haven't heard anything
> further, so I will check out that python-win32 list you
> mentioned!

Here at python-help we're glad to help. But we're just a few
volunteers and so there are inevitable gaps in what we know. I wish I
had a Windows machine here to fiddle around with. I think that the
folks on python-win32 ought to be able to help but if for any reason
they can't, let us know and I'll try to scratch my head some more.

Your question was admirably clear but you might want to add the
version of Windows you're using. That wouldn't help me answer your
question because they're all equally mysterious to me, but it might
help them.

Oh, and if you haven't installed Python for all users, you might try
that. I don't have a theory why that might work, but I think I've
heard that it sometimes does.


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