[Idle-dev] Corrupt idle top level menus

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu Jul 7 16:39:04 EDT 2016

On 7/5/2016 10:17 PM, Al Schapira wrote:
> Using idle 2.7.10 under Fedora linux 22:
> $ uname -a
> Linux ADS2 4.4.13-200.fc22.i686 #1 SMP Wed Jun 8 16:35:43 UTC 2016 i686
> i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> $ python --version
> Python 2.7.10
> The idle menus and sub menus are corrupt as shown in the attached
> screenshot.  The corrupted parts (black stripes) move (randomly) over
> the menu choices as the cursor moves over them.
> (No other programs show any graphic corruption at all.)
> Where and how do I report this bug?

This is almost certainly not an idlelib bug.  IDLE justs call tkinter 
menu functions.  Ditto for tkinter, which just calls tcl/tk functions. 
In IDLE, select Help => About IDLE to see what tk version you have.

This might be a tk problem.  Since I have never heard of such a problem 
before, I am suspicious that this problem is specific to your machine, 
either X-Windows or the hardware.  (It could be that tk on X-Windows 
calls an obscure function that other programs do not.)

The first thing I would do in re-install tcl/tk, the latest version 
available for your distribution.  If that does not fix the problem, or 
if you need help doing so, post something like the above to python-list, 
mirrored on gmane.comp.python.general.  Call it "Graphics glitch with 
tkinter on Fedora".  There are regulars there who use Linux, including 
Fedora.  (I am using Windows.)  If this is not unique to your machine, 
someone there might know something.

Attachments will not get to people on python-list.  So use the url of 
the one you already sent:

Terry Jan Reedy

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