[Idle-dev] Updates to the IDLE Dev Guide

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sat May 9 19:56:57 CEST 2015

On 5/7/2015 8:40 PM, Sean Felipe Wolfe wrote:

> Where does the Tk dependency come from in a default Python install --

The windows installer is the only one that installs the tcl/tk 
dependency. And we usually stick with the same patchlevel for all 
bug-fix releases.

Mac comes with tcl/tk installed, but it has usually been an 'older' 
version with bugs since fixed. There is a page on python.org 
recommending particular tcl/tk builds (from Active State) for particular 
Python and OSX versions.

Kevin, it looks like tcl.tk only distributes 8.5 and 8.6.  How long has 
it been since 8.4 was distributed?  I am wondering how long tkinter 
should keep code for pre 8.5.

Also, does 8.6.4 have any new features versus 8.6.0, or just bug fixes, 
as with Python?

Terry Jan Reedy

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