[Idle-dev] Missing unittest.mock in Python2 world be problem in making unitest for IDLE.

Tomoki Imai tomo832 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 20 12:08:58 CEST 2013


I'm a student thinking of participating in Google Summer of Code.
And I'm looking for a guidance.
The proposal that I want to make is "Unit Test framework for IDLE".

I emailed to Todd Rovito and read idlelib for a while,read following link.
I posted there too.

Using unittest.mock seemed to be good way to test GUI.
But there is a problem.
There is no unittest.mock in Python2.

I think using third party mock seemed to be ok, but not best way.
Because, IDLE is a part of official python.
I think relying on third party module is not good.

Do you have any advice?

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