[Idle-dev] December bugfix email + IDLE dev status

Roger Serwy roger.serwy at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 22:49:46 CEST 2012

Hi Sean,

Fixing IDLE is still a priority. Feel free to check out the issues on 
the bug tracker.

IDLE uses Tk, not GTK, for its widgets. The general concepts are the 
same but the specifics are different.


On 07/17/2012 06:57 PM, Sean Felipe Wolfe wrote:
> Hello all, I remember in December there was a call for bugfixes on the
> IDLE codebase. I'm poking around IDLE again and also getting up to
> speed on GTK for another project, which should help provide some food
> for thought. I'm wondering if that call from December for help is
> still a going concern?
> I'm not super experienced yet on the technologies involved but I'm
> learning quickly and I'd love to help out.
> Thanks!

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