[Idle-dev] IdleX - The IDLE Extension Pack

Tal Einat taleinat at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 19:33:36 CET 2011

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 7:24 PM, Roger Serwy <roger.serwy at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have written a simple extension manager for IDLE and packaged several
> extensions with it. It can be found at: http://www.ews.illinois.edu/~**
> serwy/idlex/ <http://www.ews.illinois.edu/%7Eserwy/idlex/>
> The extension manager loads extensions without needing to modify
> config-extensions.def. This makes distributing extensions simpler.
> The features include:
> * Terminal-like behavior for PyShell. The cursor is confined to the prompt
> and up/down arrow keys navigate the command history, similar to the
> original Python interpreter.
> * Matplotlib support for interactive figures when using the subprocess.
> * Tabbed editor windows with drag'n'drop reordering.
> * SubCodes, similar to Matlab cell mode and Sagemath cells, for quick code
> prototyping without restarting the shell.
> * Integrated reindent.py support.
> * Improved code navigation with Code Browser.
> * Cython editing and execution support. (Version 0.15.1)
> * Line numbers for the Editor.
> * Clear PyShell Window without restarting PyShell.
> * Simple interface for enabling/disabling extensions.
> * SearchBar, Squeezer, and IDLE2HTML included. (Originally by Tal Einat,
> Noam Raphael, and Michael Haubenwallner)
> Some of these extensions might be useful in the standard IDLE distribution.
> - Roger

Way to go, Roger!

I'm glad you've released this so soon :)

I'm sure this will be useful for many people using IDLE, and will
accelerate the acceptance of good extensions into the stdlib.

BTW, which versions of Python does this work with?
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