[Idle-dev] OSX / International support?

Kangwon Lee Ph. D. kangwon at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 02:22:09 CET 2009

Hello idle-dev at python.org

I am writing to ask about OSX international support.

First, let me thank you for your work on IDLE.  I have been using IDLE  
for quite a while and writing & running python became much easier with  

A couple of years ago, due to personal reasons I switched from PC to  
Mac.  I learned that IDLE's debug features are not the same on Mac  
OSX. Also, column location of the cursor seems incorrect either.

Also, my colleagues use Korean but it does not look correct:
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If you have been wondering how many users would be interested in  
improving these features, please count me in.

Thanks again,


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