[Idle-dev] IDLE on OS X - scrolling broken

Ethan Herdrick info at reatlas.com
Sun Apr 26 03:07:27 CEST 2009

When I try that I'm not seeing any errors on standard out.  But I
agree that it seems like a problem below the application level.

Upon playing with this more it appears that the problem is much worse
when moving the mousepointer slowly.  Also, it's just as bad when
moving the mouse up as when moving it down.


On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Scott David Daniels
<Scott.Daniels at acm.org> wrote:
> Ethan Herdrick wrote:
>> Hello - I'd like to report a problem on OS X.  The scrolling is
>> broken.  When you click on the bar (or 'thumb') and drag it up or
>> down, the bar's movement does not match your mousepointer's movement,
>> in that with every motion down the bar only seems to respond to about
>> 50% of your movement.  I haven't checked if the horizontal scrolling
>> has a similar problem.
>> It's also annoying that using the page down key cannot get you to the
>> last line of a document, rather only within a page of the last line.
>> This is not rare among editors, however.  Just annoying.
>> This is IDLE 2.6.2
>> -Ethan
> I have found that if you run idle from a command line like:
>        python -m idlelib.idle
> I get error messages that seem to come out every now and then.
> For each of the error messages, I seem to lose one character height
> of cursor-display connection.  Isuspect this is a Tcl/Tk issue rather
> than an Idle issue.
> --Scott David Daniels
> Scott.Daniels at Acm.Org
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