[Idle-dev] SearchBar - Have fun searching in IDLE!

Michael Haubenwallner michael at d2m.at
Thu Feb 8 09:46:12 CET 2007

Tal Einat wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestions! Updated files attached.

Thanks, works great now.

On an aside: searching Google for idle extensions is not an easy thing.

Do you know of a listing of available extensions or even a repository to 
download from ?
If not, should there be one ?
- wiki.python.org could have a page with a list of links
- code.google.com/hosting could host such a repo

How could we ease the process of installing an idle extension ?
I see no problem to just make the extension a package and put it in the 
python path (site-packages).
Then we would need to change idlelib.configHandler.IdleConf to accept 
the package path besides the idleDir and userDir config options.
This lets us eggify an extension and use ez_install for download and 

Your comments are welcome.


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