[Idle-dev] Small wish for Idle...

Verre Carlo carlo.verre at telecomitalia.it
Tue Feb 3 09:34:40 EST 2004

I use Python 2.3.3 & Idle 1.0.2 in my system programmer job, it's true
RAD! Many thanks!

Only a small wish for next version of Idle. Often, under MS.Windows
environment, I write Python scripts as .BAT files, but if extension is
not .PY[W] I don't get text colorization. Colorization should be nice
also for configuration files, to know at first glance the comment '#...'
rows. I think colorization should be a feature you can freely turn on or

Many thanks and best regards

 Carlo Verre
 IT Telecom spa - OI.EDC.PD
 viale Parco de' Medici 61 - 00148 Roma
 Corpo C - Piano 1 - Stanza 1023
 06.368.90513 - 335.1345856
 mailto:carlo.verre at telecomitalia.it


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