[Idle-dev] Re: IDLE UI Suggestion

Stephen M. Gava elguavas@users.sourceforge.net
04 Aug 2002 12:10:05 +1000

On Sun, 2002-08-04 at 00:57, unknown man wrote:
> While idle may be part of Python, IDLEfork is the experimental IDLE 
> development team. Being as such submitting an idea to the IDLEfork
> team is the best chance that the feature will end up in IDLE. 

Actually a lot of the changes that end up in production idle seem to
come from patches submitted directly to python's (and thus idle's) own
sourceforge tracker; and I then end up applying them 'back' to idlefork
by tracking changes to python/idle cvs. This was the case for instance
with the menu changes for the shell window that I mentioned already
applying. So far only one or two minor bugfixes and no major features
have ever made it the other way, from idlefork into idle.

> BTW The
> letters BDFL stand for 'Benevolent Dictator For Life' (meaning Guido
> van Rossum). That abbreviation is one of the more common ways for
> Python developers to refer to 'Guido van Rossum' (It is shorter,
> easier to remember, and faster to type.) 

Ah, of course; while being perfectly aware of Guido being our BDFL, I've
only ever used the long version of the phrase myself. I guess I've just
always skipped over BDFL when I've seen it in emails before because it
seemed to be just another BUATA (Boring Unnecessary And Trite Acronym)
clogging up the airwaves... ;^)  Actually I think GvR is surely the
quickest and clearest way to refer to Guido, but then WTHWIK (What The
Hell Would I Know).

> As for the Tk icon I do hope
> that they make the icon customizable. I could always use a resource
> editor to change the icon (that works for windows computers, I have no
> clue about any other system but those don't have the ugly icon problem
> anyway)

Me too. I think it looks very ugly and unprofessional not only in idle
but also in all the other tkinter (and other Tk ui) apps ever run on
windows too.

Stephen M. Gava  <elguavas@users.sourceforge.net>
IDLEfork ( http://idlefork.sourceforge.net )  " just like IDLE, only
crunchy "