[Idle-dev] Hide code?

Bruce Sherwood bas@andrew.cmu.edu
Sun, 04 Nov 2001 09:17:11 -0500

Does the following have any merit for IDLE?

In the program editor for another language (cT), you can hide individual 
routines in a file (this would be classes or defs in Python). You click 
somewhere in a routine and choose the "Hide" menu option. The head of the 
routine remains visible, but the entire body collapses down to a single 
indented horizontal line. Click on a hidden routine and choose "Show" to 
make the body visible again. There are also menu options to hide or show 
all routines in the file.

The purpose is to facilitate working on a long module most of which is well 
debugged. You show only those routines you're currently working on.

Implementation could be through special comment lines.

I found this very useful when working on cT programs.

Bruce Sherwood