[Idle-dev] idle-fork - cvs on the move again

StephenM.Gava StephenM.Gava
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 16:33:59 +1000

Hey Kurt.
Kurt B. Kaiser wrote:
> What amazes me is he fixed us, and then continued to service recent CVS
> clean-up requests, leaving about 20 prior requests behind!

Heh, oh well, at least those other languishing requests are officially 'Not 
Our Problem' (tm)...

> I got copy of the CVS tarball after the prune, and also a clean checkout.
> So I went ahead with the imports.


> It looks like we're all set to do the merge; the 2nd vendor branch imports
> seem to have gone ok, despite warnings on the web that there can be
> problems.  

Seems the deeper one gets into cvs the more hidden 'semi-gotchas' there are, 
apart from the more obvious ones like cvs not really understanding 

> I think the trick may be to work on one vendor branch at a time,
> using the -f option with commit to force the HEADS to the trunk. I hesitate
> to think what might happen if you had two files with the same name,
> unmodified locally, on two different vendor branches. I suppose the 1.1.1
> branch supplies the 1.1 revision, but experimentation is needed....
> I'll volunteer to keep idlefork synched with "official" idle.

Ok, excellent, congratulations new official idlefork 'cvsmeister'...  ;^)    
*fanfare played on rusty tin whilsles*   *Guido pins badge emblazoned with 
dead parrot hanging upside down from perch onto your 'python rocks my world' 
tshirt, inadvertently puncturing your left pectoral, which causes all 
the air to hiss out of your inflatable arnold-schwartzenegger chest*

Actually, although it has been a year, and idle has progressed from version 
0.5 to 0.8, both David Scherer and Guido have indicated that there may not be 
an awful lot to merge this time.  I guess we'll see soon enough. I'm gonna do 
a fresh checkout now and start having a look.

ps. I'll cc this by idle-dev so folks there know things are moving again
Stephen M. Gava
"More power to those who don't care for it." - anon