[Idle-dev] IDLE on Linux - any known probs

Mats Wichmann mats@laplaza.org
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 05:25:58 -0500

Lazy approach:  I've got really really bad
connectivity this week.  Before I go hunting
through a (groan) web-based interface for
bugs, are there any known issues with the
IDLE that comes with Python 2.0 when running
on Linux?

I'm doing a class this week where we've got
both Linux machines and Win2000... IDLE is
doing some odd things, most of them not following
its' own keyboard shortcuts, on Linux (RH 6.2
and Mandrake 7.0). Both installed from the
BeOpen*rpms ....  Nary a problem on Windows,
which, *natch*, is where I did the bulk of
my testing...

(F5 and ctrl-F5 do nothing; Alt-W is claimed
to be Cut but actually pops up the Window
menu, etc. and trying to use the menu to run a file
is problematic too:  IDLE always thinks the
buffer is modified if you do that, so you have
to first select-all before you can run.. Sigh)