[I18n-sig] Format strings

Josef Spillner 2005 at kuarepoti-dju.net
Mon Nov 28 10:23:36 CET 2005

El Viernes, 25. Noviembre 2005 23:16, escribió:
> It is correct either way. A byte string is a byte string is a byte
> string is a  string of bytes is not a Unicode string.

That was the second part of my question. If a programmer writes down a string, 
and the source file encoding is declared to be utf-8, why then is the string 
still not encoded in utf-8 by default?
Why all the hassle of using u"..." instead of making it the default?
There is a lot of python source code I maintain, and it would simplify coding 
a lot if this could be made the default.


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