[I18n-sig] How does Python Unicode treat surrogates?

Machin, John JMachin@Colonial.com.au
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 10:09:34 +1000

Hello there,

I'm the 'nobody' who raised the SF bug report to which Martin refers.

According to Unicode 3.0, transformations between scalars and UTF-n
should provide lossless round-trip transcoding, even for invalid scalars
unpaired surrogates and values like 0xFFFE and 0xFFFF.

Unicode 3.1 adds further clarification by listing out what are legal
byte sequences for UTF-8; these include byte sequences that encompass
those invalid scalars.

There is a note in the Unicode docs that ISO/IEC 10646 ("ISO" for short)
forbids this permissive treatment of invalid scalars.

The implementation in Python 2.1 does this:

encoding to UTF-8:
  0xFFFF etc: Unicode-compliant
  unpaired low surrogate: Unicode-compliant
  unpaired high surrogate: *BUG*, generates invalid UTF-8 byte sequence
decoding from UTF-8:
  0xFFFF etc: Unicode-compliant
  unpaired surrogates: ISO-compliant 

In a note that Martin added to my bug report, he seems to be
advocating ISO compliance.

My two-cents-worth on approach to differences between Unicode
and ISO:

Unicode is the *practical* standard. Unicode is the
*available* standard -- you can buy the book; you can access
the web site. Martin said in his note to my bug report that
he doesn't have a copy of the ISO document(s); he's not alone!

Python advertises Unicode support, not ISO/IEC 10646 support.
If we make the transcoding of invalid scalars ISO-compliant,
then we should document and justify this. We should do this
for *all* invalid scalars, not just unpaired surrogates.

Perhaps the effort that would be required to do all the 
explicit testing to make all the transcoders ISO-compliant 
would be better directed into providing a function or method
that checked a Unicode string for the presence of invalid scalars.

A very practical point: Fixing the invalid-byte-sequence bug involves
adding two or three lines of code. Making the UTF-8 decoder
Unicode-compliant involves removing half a line of code. Minimal
effort and no documentation and justifications required.

Hmmm, 4 cents worth by the end of the rant :-)
Anyway, hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin v. Loewis [mailto:martin@loewis.home.cs.tu-berlin.de]
Sent: Sunday, 24 June 2001 8:19
To: mal@lemburg.com
Cc: guido@digicool.com; i18n-sig@python.org
Subject: Re: [I18n-sig] How does Python Unicode treat surrogates?

> > Likewise, but somewhat more troubling, surrogates that straddle write
> > invocations are not processed properly.
> > 
> > >>> s=StringIO.StringIO()
> > >>> _,_,r,w=codecs.lookup("utf-8")
> > >>> f=w(s)
> > >>> f.write(u"\ud800")
> > >>> f.write(u"\udc00")
> > >>> f.flush()
> > >>> s.getvalue()
> > '\xa0\x80\xed\xb0\x80'
> > 
> > whereas the correct answer would have been
> > 
> > >>> u"\ud800\udc00".encode("utf-8")
> > '\xf0\x90\x80\x80'
> This is a special case of the above (since the encoder will
> see truncated surrogates and should raise raise an exception 
> for these).

I don't think it should; it is not truncated since a later write call
will provide the missing word. If you have a Unicode stream, it should
be possible to read the stream contents in arbitrary chunks of works,
and encode it with a stream encode. 

The stream encoder should produce the same output no matter how you
split the input. Under your proposed behaviour, this is not the case.

Please note that


adds a few other aspects to the problem: It appears that Unicode 3.1
specifies that certain forms of UTF-8 encoded surrogates are merely
irregular, not illegal. There may be some misinterpretation of the
spec in this report, but I think all this needs careful checking.


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