[I18n-sig] iconv encoding/decoding

Brian Takashi Hooper brian@garage.co.jp
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 12:27:52 +0900

Hi all -

Have others looked at the double-byte codec implementations for iconv,
in glibc 2?

This implementation uses customized lookup code for each encoding - I
don't think it's possible to make something that will run much faster
than this.  However, maybe we would be better off making a state-machine
based implementation that can be programmed and customized from Python. 
Looking at the iconv implementation should give us a good idea of what
atomic actions are possible. 

There are also scripts for automating the table creation from the
mapping tables at Unicode.org, and test data sets.  Does Python's
license allow us to borrow pieces from GPL'd software?


(Thanks Ted for the reference)