[I18n-sig] Useful resources available now

alexander smishlajev alex@ank-sia.com
Tue, 08 Feb 2000 15:47:07 +0200

hello Peter!

thanks for the list!  i've seen all of this, but it is nice to have
common summary.  some additions:

* unicode.so -- A unicode string implementation for Python 1.5.
   URL    : http://www.pythonware.com/madscientist/
   Author : Fredrik Lundh
   License: Pythonic

* PyRecode -- wrapper around the librecode/Recode utility (a GPL tool
              for converting text from one character set to another).
   URL    : http://www.suxers.de/python/pyrecode.htm
   Author : Andreas Jung <ajung@sz-sb.de>

* pynicode -- Unicode support and character set translation for Python.
              pure Python module suite started as a translation
              of Perl Unicode modules.
   URL    : http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=1825
   Author : alexander smishlajev <als@turnhere.com>
   License: MIT-style
   DOC    : inline

best wishes,