[PyHealthcare] Hello @ PyCon

Werner wdahn at netfront.net
Sun Mar 13 07:03:20 CET 2011

On 13/03/11 06:13, Ron DuPlain wrote:
> Hi all,
> Introducing myself.  I met others in Health IT at an open space
> session at PyCon.  "Health IT" is a big umbrella, so I'd like to hear
> more from each of you on your interests and work.  I imagine we'll
> have a lot of common ground in interop (HL7 came up during the open
> space session), but I'm personally open to most any topic.
> I'm working on a team which makes practice management for midwives.
> You can get to know our product here:
> http://getprivatepractice.com/
> Good to meet you,
> Ron
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my name is Werner Dahn.

I'll soon be taking over a practice management system for veterinary
clinics that is written in Python. The job is bug fixing, expanding
features and porting from Windows to Linux.

Another interest that covers IT and health care is DICOM applications.

Greetings from Hong Kong

Werner Dahn

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