[GSoC-general] GSOC Students Application

Hongye Huang huang.hongye at outlook.com
Fri Feb 23 20:57:35 EST 2018

Hi Alok,

As a participant on last year, I would give you some suggestions on how to work with PSF in GSoC.

1.    Do not send the same content to every project. Or I should say, the content in your email is too general. Please think over and contact only a few organizations that you would probably contribute.

2.    PSF is an umbrella organization. That means it has many sub-orgs with various aims. Details: http://python-gsoc.org/

3.    If you want to work with PSF, follow the link on the website above and select a few sub-orgs that you may interested in. Read their instructions on their requirements and their potential ideas, and decide one sub-org you may go to.

4.    Contact the sub-org and send your CV. Do not afraid of lack of experience in your CV. Maybe in late March before the deadline, your potential mentor will tell you how much possible you will be selected into their project.

5.    Do not wait until the deadline.


Huang Hongye

From: GSoC-general [mailto:gsoc-general-bounces+huang.hongye=outlook.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Alok Sharma
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2018 10:13 PM
To: gsoc-general at python.org
Subject: [GSoC-general] GSOC Students Application


 I am Alok Sharma from India, currently graduating from Mumbai University in Information Technology (Second Year).

The purpose of writing this letter is that I want to know the pre-requisites of joining your coding project in Google Summer of Code(GSOC). I recently came across GSOC website and saw that your organization is listed in GSOC and I am one of the happy user of your service.

I always wondered if I can ever add some features which I wanted in your application. I think this is the once in a lifetime opportunity to "make the change I want to see".

I am telling you this because I really admire your project and the impact it is making on people's lives. I myself is the user of your application and I get really excited when new updates and patches comes. I too want to be the part of your project and develop new features and patches. The best part would be to see people giving feedback on my contribution, nothing could ever buy that from me.

The issue is that even if I apply for your project, the chances of getting selected is almost none because of my poor profile. The problem is that I have not contributed to any huge project like yours and neither I have developed any concrete project before. I am not asking you any free favor's, I just ask you to give me a task and I will try to complete that before the student's registration begins. If I complete that task my only request is that you would consider me equally valid student just like another experienced student and if I fail in completing this task I won't be a headache to your project.

I am sending you this mail just because I think everybody should get an equal chance to prove themselves so please give me a chance to prove.

My proficiencies are:

1.       Python3, python2

2.       C++

3.       Algorithms and data structures

4.       Mathematics

5.       Physics

6.       Git, Github

7.       Django (web framework)

I hope to hear back from you.

Thank you.

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