[group-organizers] Lightning talks?

Peter J. Farrell pjf at maestropublishing.com
Wed Sep 2 08:43:32 CEST 2015

We've done a couple of things at PyMNtos (http://python.mn) ...

1) A designated laptop with suggestion to use something like Google 
Slides or other online service. This has a couple pitfalls -- people 
either have to login to get slides or make them public in advance.  
And, no terminal / live examples.

2) A Google Chromecast.  The only prereq is to have Chrome and 
Chromecast plugin installed.  A Chromecast can cast an entire screen 
(not just a tab).  It works with Linux, Windows, and OSX.  Pitfall fall 
has been *one* laptop that due to security restrictions couldn't 
install Chrome / Chromecast plugin.  Also, bad wifi can cause issues, 
but that hasn't been a problem for us.

Manager of PyMNtos

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 11:17 PM, Dan Stromberg <strombrg at gmail.com> 
> Hi folks.
> What are people's experiences with doing lightning talks at a meetup?
> I guess the thing that concerns me the most is setting up a half dozen
> laptops on a projector they've never been hooked up to before.
> Do people do a "designated laptop" for the talks, and ask presenters 
> to
> bring their slides on a USB flash drive?
> Also, what's a good duration?  Maybe targeting 5-10 minutes?
> Thanks.;
> -- 
> Dan Stromberg
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