[group-organizers] Mailing List for New Local User Group

Shaifali Agrawal agrawalshaifali09 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 21:53:47 CEST 2015

Greetings to all,

I am Shaifali Agrawal[1], from India, a passionate Python programmer,
contributing to OpenStack[3] these days. I am first girl from my
state(M.P.) who has contributed to open source projects under Google Summer
of Code and Outreachy programs, pursuing final year of Masters.

I want to start a Python User Local Group "PyIndore" for my city Indore(in
MP, India), have read all instructions on 'Starting Your User Group'[2]
page, now I am suppose to start a mailing list for this new group, google
group can be used for that but I want to confirm once if I can request to
start a new mailing list at mail.python.org so that those people who don't
use gmail can also be part of the new mailing list.

[1]: exploreshaifali.github.io
[2]: https://wiki.python.org/moin/StartingYourUsersGroup
[3]: https://www.openstack.org

@exploreshaifali <http://exploreshaifali.github.io/>
Shaifali Agrawal
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