[group-organizers] Fwd: [pyconuk] UK Python User Groups

Giacomo Lacava g.lacava at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 19:30:58 CEST 2007

I just got this and thought it might be worth repeating here... maybe
it should go on a wiki?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Pinner
Date: 12 Sep 2007 17:40
Subject: [pyconuk] UK Python User Groups
To: Mailing list for the PyCon UK conference <pyconuk at python.org>

Hello UK Pythonistas,

With a few new local Python user groups getting off the ground, it's
worth reminding ourselves that o'Reilly offer good support to groups
who register with them.

Full details are at ug.oreilly.com. You have to register your group
(not too onerous) and in return you can get

* review copies of o'Reilly books
* discounts on o'Reilly products, a nice benefit for members
* donations of books, like we were given for the draw at PyCon UK

and, no doubt, a few other things, like I think it's possible to get
o'Reilly authors to speak at meetings.

Tim Williams registered the Birmingham LUG, but I don't think we've
got around to registering PyWm yet, so we're no example.

Josette reminded me that we have not registered PyCon UK, but on the
whole I think we'll have enough to do trying to run the conference.

Best wishes,


pyconuk mailing list
pyconuk at python.org

Giacomo Lacava

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