[group-organizers] Fwd: Announcing the Python North West mailing list

Giacomo Lacava g.lacava at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 09:04:00 CEST 2007

Hi guys,
as you can see from the email below, we just launched a ML for
pythoneers based in the North West of England, capitalizing on a
fantastic PyconUK event hold by our friends in the West Midlands. The
response has been good so far (12 members n 24 hours).

I've read all the advice posted on this list and I'll try to follow it
in the next few months. I added it to the wiki page and (sensibly)
spammed the local python and linux lists, do you think I should also
send it to the newsgroups?

Is there anything else that needs to be done to "make it official"?

I was also thinking about opening a facebook group, which would only
be used to point people to the real list. (The Facebook guys should
really find a way of integrating mailing lists in their group, but
anyway.) Does anyone know any other online community which we should
make aware?

Best Regards,
Giacomo Lacava

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Giacomo Lacava <g.lacava at gmail.com>
Date: 10 Sep 2007 19:15
Subject: Announcing the Python North West mailing list

On the wave of the great time we had at Pycon, it was decided we
should have a proper mailing list dedicated to North-West-based Python
users... so here it comes!

The list is open to everyone in the area who loves
coding/playing/enjoying Python. To join, you don't need to know your
django from your pylons or your pyqt from your wxwindows... and
certainly you don't need to pronounce WSGI. Don't worry, it's going to
be uber-informal and very low-traffic, and I promise we won't use
lolcats (not much anyway).

The group homepage, from where you can subscribe, is:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/python-north-west
and the email address to use for posting:
>> python-north-west at googlegroups.com
(ideas on how to link this to other social software (facebook etc) are welcome)

Best regards, and happy coding!
Giacomo Lacava

Giacomo Lacava

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