[getopt-sig] The bake-off

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com
Thu, 30 May 2002 14:39:29 +0100

From: holger@trillke.net [mailto:holger@trillke.net]
> thanks! I understand the criticism. Bear in mind though that
> i was *not* suggesting an alternative to Optik. 

That wasn't clear to me at the time... Sorry.

> the idea was to make it *even cheaper* to write cmdline-tools
> with a rich interface. The basic idea is to construct a 
> 'namespace'-mapping between the shell-cmdline and a python
> function (or class). I  suggested to use Optik as the backend
> for this. I was (and probably still am <wink>) willing to
> implement this but it is difficult if there is no feedback :-)

It sounds like you're essentially talking about an "application framework"
for simple command-line type scripts. If so, then my feeling is that it's a
nice idea, and probably something I'd play with occasionally. I don't know
if it would get much use in practice, though - it generally isn't too hard
to use something like getopt/Optik "by hand".

I'm not too bothered by the introspection aspect - Greg's concern that it's
excessively "clever" isn't a problem to me if it's behind the scenes.

If you implement this, I promise I'll download it and try it out :-) But I
don't know that it will ever find its way into my list of packages that I'd
always install.


PS You're not alone in hitting this sort of thing. It's more to do with the
nature of Python, the language (and set of libraries), than with the
community - things like this are easy enough to do that there's not much
pressure for a standardised solution. (See the recent thread on c.l.p about
packaging up Python code in single files, like JAR files do for Java, for
another example).