[Flask] I get broken pipe while running flask with uwsgi!

senaps gerdakan.sa at gmail.com
Sat May 19 03:44:24 EDT 2018

hi all.

so, i have an application with some pages, one being the dashboard page.
in dashboard, there is a js code that sends ajax requests to the server
every 2 seconds and shows the updated result on the dash. ( so i can't
remove the js or lower request times it should be 2 seconds)

problem is, if i click on any link(redirects) on the dashboard, there is a
very high chance to get a broken pipe error and return to dashboard again(
i don't see any other page, it just refreshes the dashboard page)

i have a development server, but i have the same problem with uwsgi too.

this is the broken pipe thing i get:

and i have tested the functionality to work without any problem if that js
isn't working.
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