[Flask] A good text editor to work with Flask?

linnchord gao linnchord at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 04:23:06 EDT 2018

Visual Code or Pycharm, nothing else.

开 2018年3月14日 在 12:04:38, Jeff Widman (jeff at jeffwidman.com) 写到:

I tried atom for a few years, but it becomes super slow on very large git
repos. One repo I work on is over 5gb and atom tries to reindex whenever
the window is redrawn so I would literally be waiting minutes. I wanted to
love atom, I helped maintain some extensions for it so had some blood sweat
and tears into it, but I finally gave up and switched to microsoft's visual
studio code and have found it more polished in many respects. If you do not
work with super large repos this may not affect you.

On Mar 13, 2018 6:55 PM, "Phuong Phan" <phan at rooking.co.jp> wrote:

> Well, try Atom, you will like it.
> ---
> 株式会社ルーキング
> Phuong Phan (ファン フオン)
> E: phan at rooking.co.jp
> T: 03-5725-3122
> U: http://www.rooking.co.jp
> 〒153-0061
> 東京都目黒区中目黒2-8-22中目黒TDビル3F
> ---
> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 1:26 AM, Stephen Mazzei <
> mazzei.stephen.a at gmail.com> wrote:
>> William,
>> I personally use Microsoft Visual Studio Code, has extensions for a ton
>> of different languages, constantly being improved, and handles GIT very
>> well. 1 person on my team at work found it, and since the rest of us have
>> all jumped on the band wagon for it.
>> I tried the pycharm (had a school license) and found that to cause more
>> headaches for learning.
>> But any open editor would work
>> On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:21 PM, William Moreno <
>> williamjmorenor at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello all, since Flask is a clean framework to work any text editor can
>>> help to work with it, but I am curios is there is outthere some IDE or Text
>>> Editor that works fine with Flask and Jinja2 templates.
>>> The PyCharm IDE support Flask only in the paid version and for the
>>> moment and do not want to pay the license Fee because I am using Flask more
>>> like a hobby and still learning the framework.
>>> Looks like sublime text have plugings for Flask and Jinja2:
>>> Jinja2: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Jinja2
>>> Flask: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Flask%20Completions
>>> But do you know any other option?
>>> Regards
>>> William Moreno Reyes
>>> http://about.me/williamjmorenor
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