[Flask] Deploying as a Windows service

Unai Rodriguez unai at sysbible.org
Sun Aug 5 14:10:51 EDT 2018


(1) Is there any more specific error on Apache error logs?

(2) I’d make sure first Apache starts properly as a service. Can you test something else (perhaps a simple html page)  to make the Apache service is configured properly?

(3) If getting (1) and (2) did not help enough for you to figure it out, please submit exact steps on how yo configured Apache to start as a service and the Apache configuration for your Flask app

Unai Rodriguez
On 5 Aug 2018, 14:31 +0200, CCP Dragonedge <ccp at drsb.com.my>, wrote:
> Hi,
> I am deploying my Flask application on Apache24 using mod_wsgi 4.5.4 running on a Windows 7 machine. I have encountered something strange - when I start and stop Apache manually (i.e. by typing httpd.exe from the command line to start, and just hitting ctrl-C to stop), everything works fine.
> When I, however, install Apache as a Windows service (by doing a "httpd -k install"; so it starts up when the machine is booted), I get a "500 internal server error" when I try to access my Flask application.
> According to the error logs, Flask can't see my modules. I know it's something to do with Apache because when I just run the Flask server ("python myapp.py"), I have no problems.
> Anyone experience this? If so, how did you overcome this? And I hope this isn't off-topic - if it is, sorry and please point me to the right place.
> Thanks,
> p
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