[Flask] Deploying Flask on Debian

Alex Hall ahall at autodist.com
Tue May 3 18:02:00 EDT 2016

Thanks guys. I'm intrigued by Nginx, after reading more about it. The
problem is that apt-get install nginx keeps failing, with some kind of
dependency problem, sudo or no sudo. I've stopped Apache, but still get the
error. Thus, I'd like to stick to Apache if I could, simply because it's
already installed and (to my knowledge) working. This is a small, internal
site that doesn't need the efficiency of Nginx to run, and I'm having
enough problems with getting Flask to work that messing with installing a
stubborn Nginx doesn't seem the best way to stay sane. :) I'd love to play
with Nginx, as it seems easier to configure than Apache, but unless I can
get it to install cleanly that's not really an option.

On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Anthony Ford <ford.anthonyj at gmail.com>

> Personally, I really like the Digital Ocean guides.
> You can check out the Ubuntu guide, as it shouldn't be all that different
> from Debian (I used it as a template for internal deploy docs I wrote at my
> last position).
> https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-serve-flask-applications-with-uwsgi-and-nginx-on-ubuntu-14-04
> I personally prefer uwsgi behind Nginx
> Anthony Ford,
> ford.anthonyj at gmail.com
> On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 3:05 PM, Alex Hall <ahall at autodist.com> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> My work has a Google Cloud account, so my boss just made me a Debian
>> server. Being virtual, I can't physically access it, but I've got SSH and
>> SCP, so  same thing. No remote GUI, though, just command line.
>> I've been looking up how to deploy Flask on Linux, Debian specifically,
>> for a couple hours. I'm getting a *lot* of hits, but nothing that seems to
>> be in line with anything else. Some tell me to use WSGI (which I expected),
>> but others say mod_wsgi, and others UWSGI. Mod_wsgi might mean, some say,
>> compiling it for Python3, but I'm on Python 2.7.9? Most assume I'm using a
>> virtual environment, which I'm not, because Python and other web projects
>> are the only things on this server. The Flask docs talk about UWSGI, then
>> something called MGinx? I'm using Apache2, again on Debian 8.
>> Is there a single tutorial or article that most people recommend? I'm not
>> very experienced with Debian, but I'm fine with a command line interface in
>> general. I've got Flask, Flask-WTF, and the pyodbc module I'll need, and
>> now just want to get Flask running with Apache2 so Apache can serve my
>> Flask app. Thanks.
>> --
>> Alex Hall
>> Automatic Distributors, IT department
>> ahall at autodist.com
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Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
ahall at autodist.com
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