[Flask] Passing MySQL values to different webpages

Mazzei, Stephen Andrew Stephen.Mazzei at asrcfederal.com
Fri Mar 11 10:30:35 EST 2016

Good morning,

I am looking for help on a MySQL issue. I am currently running an query over a database and populating a table. The table contains items group units and then their values. I currently have the group unit as a link to that units own webpage.

On this webpage I would like to repost the same table information, per the unit, and then some additional information. How can I pass the query from the previous webpage to the next page without having to re-run the same query over and over again.

Thank you

Stephen A. Mazzei
Systems Administrator | AFDS, ASRC Federal Data Solutions - P&G HPC Account | 513-634-9965


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