[Flask] Access to /static (static files) when deployed with cgi

Christopher Zee christopher.xs.zee at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 10:58:08 EST 2016


You should preferably make the front-end use 'static/' in any hard-coded
links. This way Flask will serve up the appropriate files. As for the IDE
you may look into PyCharm and see if it suits you.


On 8 December 2016 at 15:42, Per Låås <per.laas at sprakochfolkminnen.se>

> Hi!
> I am new to flask and have deployed a flask web application based on a
> flask demo-project with cgi: ScriptAlias /flaskutforskning
> /path/flaskutforskning/flaskutforskning.cgi in production on the linux
> server, deployed following instructions at http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.
> 11/deploying/cgi/. Se also file tree below.
> I run the development-server in Visual Studio in my PC using from
> runserver.py, created by the VS Python tools – Flask web project, which I
> guess uses WSGI. See screen images below.
> The application works fine except the links to static-files are different
> in development in Visual Studio and in production on the linux server. See
> file hierarchy below.
> Development-server in Visual Studio in my PC
> http://localhost:PORT/static/scripts/SPAshowresult.js
> In production server:
> http://www.mydomain.com/flaskutforskning/flaskutforskning/static/
> scripts/SPAshowresult.js
> Questions:
> ·         Does anybody have a suggestion how to find a better way to work
> with paths so there is the same static path in dev and production?
> ·         Is there a better IDE than Visual Studio for development and
> debugging in the code, step by step?
> Thank you so much in advance.
> Best regards,
> Per Låås
> .
> --- flaskutforskning
> -- -  --- __init__.py
> -- -  --- static
> -- -  -- -  --- content
> -- -  -- -  -- -  --- bootstrap.css
> -- -  -- -  -- -  --- bootstrap.min.css
> -- -  -- -  -- -  --- site.css
> -- -  -- -  --- fonts
> -- -  -- -  -- -  --- glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
> -- -  -- -  -- -  --- glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
> -- -  -- -  -- -  --- glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
> -- -  -- -  -- -  --- glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
> -- -  -- -  --- scripts
> -- -  -- -      --- autocomplete.js
> -- -  -- -      --- bootstrap.js
> -- -  -- -      --- bootstrap.min.js
> -- -  -- -      --- jquery-1.10.2.intellisense.js
> -- -  -- -      --- jquery-1.10.2.js
> -- -  -- -      --- jquery-1.10.2.min.js
> -- -  -- -      --- jquery-1.10.2.min.map
> -- -  -- -      --- jquery.validate.js
> -- -  -- -      --- jquery.validate.min.js
> -- -  -- -      --- jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js
> -- -  -- -      --- jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js
> -- -  -- -      --- jquery.validate-vsdoc.js
> -- -  -- -      --- modernizr-2.6.2.js
> -- -  -- -      --- _references.js
> -- -  -- -      --- respond.js
> -- -  -- -      --- respond.min.js
> -- -  -- -      --- SPAshowresult.js
> -- -  --- templates
> -- -  -- -  --- about.html
> -- -  -- -  --- contact.html
> -- -  -- -  --- dynfragasr.html
> -- -  -- -  --- dynfrageladan - Copy.html
> -- -  -- -  --- dynfrageladan.html
> -- -  -- -  --- extendslayout.html
> -- -  -- -  --- fragasr.html
> -- -  -- -  --- frageladan - Copy (2).html
> -- -  -- -  --- frageladan - Copy.html
> -- -  -- -  --- frageladan.html
> -- -  -- -  --- frageladan_origSPA.html
> -- -  -- -  --- index.html
> -- -  -- -  --- layout.html
> -- -  -- -  --- test.html
> -- -  --- utils.py
> -- -  --- views.py
> -- -  --- views - test.py
> --- flaskutforskning.cgi
> --- svnupdate.log
> --- svnupdate.sh
> 6 directories, 45 files
> --
> Per Låås
> Developer
> Institutet för språk och folkminnen
> www.sprakochfolkminnen.se
> +46 18 652 446
> per.laas at sprakochfolkminnen.se
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> Flask at python.org
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