[Flask] Trying to pass XML through to an HTML template

Dunlap, Zachariah ZDunlap at ap.org
Wed Dec 2 12:07:22 EST 2015

Hi all,

I'm sure I'm missing something but I haven't had any luck figuring out what, perhaps someone here can point me in the right direction.

I have the module below which I'm using to get and XML item from a URL, read it and return elements and values to an HTML template.

The itemid and description variables render in the template just fine, the one that I'm having an issue with is the XML I need to send through to a textarea on the template. I've tried rendering it as a string, escaping it & encoding it but have had no luck getting it passed through.

I've tested getting this XML in a simple module and I know it returns content but the module for this applicattion can't see that value, it comes back as 'None'.

Any guidance on how I can pass XML through to the textarea would be greatly appreciated.

@app.route('/updateitem', methods=['GET'])
def updateitem():
    url = 'http://xmldocument.fake'
    url_request = requests.get(url)
    root = etree.fromstring(url_request.text)
    itemid = root.xpath('//main/@id')
    description = root.xpath('//main/text()')
    xmlitem = root.xpath('//ns:XmlItem', namespaces={'ns': 'http://fakenamespace.com'})
    # return render_template('create-definitions.html', itemid=itemid, name=name, description=description, xmlitem=xmlitem)
    return render_template('create-definitions.html', **locals())

<textarea rows="20" name="xmlitem" id="xmlitem" >{{ request.args.get('xmlitem') }}</textarea>



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