[Expat-discuss] Pre-declared entity parsing in Expat

Harsha Billalli bharsha at kodiaknetworks.com
Mon Sep 19 09:27:59 CEST 2011


          I am trying to parse the attribute values, with pre-defined
entites embedded in an attribute as shown.

          For Ex: -    "AT&T" is in the XML markup as "AT&T"

But the Expat XML parser is not changing "&" back to "&"
automatically when the document is processed. Also it is considering &
as word delimiter. All in the end I get "AT" as the parsed string.
Basically parser is ignoring characters after & also any special
characters (<,>,',"), even though they are escaped (like &lt; &gt;
&apos; &quot).



Does pre-declared entity (inside an attribute value) parsing is
supported in Expat? 






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