[Expat-discuss] File not found error in the parser

Fred Drake fdrake at acm.org
Wed Jun 30 00:43:03 CEST 2010

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 6:27 PM, Justin Seyster
<jseyster at cs.stonybrook.edu> wrote:
> The one directory that works is not the current directory.  In fact, it
> seems that the magic directory stays the same regardless of what the
> current directory is (and whether I use an absolute or relative path).

Can you reproduce this with a short script that just does the XML parsing?

If so, please post that.

> I'm using the current Python from Ubuntu Karmic, which is 2.6.4.
> (Somebody kindly let me know that I sent this problem to the wrong list.
> Sorry about that, and let me know if I should take this discussion of
> the list.)

I'm not too worried about that; I'm unlikely to see this elsewhere.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at gmail.com>
"A storm broke loose in my mind."  --Albert Einstein

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