[Expat-discuss] not well-formed (invalid token)

Nick MacDonald nickmacd at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 23:56:18 CEST 2010


Well, I'll bite... what is the point of using eXpat to parse the
document (where the whole point of eXpat is to expose the document to
an application) if the document is not exposed to your application??

I suspect you're dealing with some sort of a middle man here... or
else you should be able to see the document yourself.

In any case, the question becomes one of:  who is "reading" your
document and supplying it to eXpat... that entity is the really the
only one that can make sense of the line number and offset

This is the absolute extent of my knowledge and ability to make an
"intelligent guess"...  This mailing list is generally for support of
the C eXpat codebase... and I am not convinced you'll find many people
on this list who know the ins and outs of the Python wrapper/bindings
for eXpat.


On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Brian <genkuro at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using expat with python 2.6.  It's all layered with xmlrpc.  The actual xml
> doc is short lived and hidden to me.  But I can catch "not well-formed (invalid
> token)" errors, the line number, and the offset.  Unfortunately, the latter two
> are not terribly useful.
> Is there a way to get the actual offending token?

Nick MacDonald
NickMacD at gmail.com

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