[Expat-discuss] C++ wrapper for expat (expatmm)

Sebastian Pipping webmaster at hartwork.org
Thu Sep 18 04:10:31 CEST 2008

Coleman Kane wrote:
> We recently published a C++ wrapper for Expat, which we've been using in
> some of our systems and wanted to provide for the world.
> I tried getting in touch with the expatpp maintainer
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/expatpp), and got a response but he
> hasn't moved anymore since then. Anyhow, his project is linked on your
> mainpage, and considering the "vaporware" status of it, I want to
> provide an alternative in our implementation.
> The distribution link is: http://devzone.intellitree.com/projects/expatmm
> It's an autotooled project, implements pkg-config, etc....

I just stumbled upon your mail again.  Your implementation seems
of more use to me than expatpp, which I cannot even find source
code for... So I feel like replacing the link on the Expat website
would be a good solution.

I have committed the changes already (revision 1.63) but they are
not online yet as the sf.net shell server doesn't respond at the moment.
I hope to finish this tomorrow.


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