[Expat-discuss] Expat task in Apache ideas of Google Summer of Code 2008

Sebastian Pipping webmaster at binera.de
Mon Mar 17 23:39:06 CET 2008

I stumbled upon an Expat-related task in the Apache ideas
of Google Summer of Code 2008. I want 50 percent of your
income if you would have missed it without me ;-)


Subject ID

   Integrate expat parser into Axis2/C soap engine

ASF Project
   Apache Axis2/C

   Apache Axis2/C, expat, xml, soap

   Apache Axis2/C is a soap processing engine written in C.
   Any xml parser could be pluggable to Axis2/C engine through
   a parser abstraction layer, already we have integrated two
   xml parsers to Axis2/C engine namly libxml2 and Guththila
   xml parser. This is an idea to integrate expat parser to
   Apache Axis2/C through parser abstraction layer. If you need
   more information please come and ask on <mail address>

Possible Mentors
   Dinesh Premalal <mail address>

   No Student yet


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